What if it doesn't work?
We're entering the 3rd week of January and already I've had my first doubt. I woke up Wed morning to that horrible feeling; "What if it doesn't work?... Are you experiencing doubt right now; about your business goals? Or any other goals?
If you are a leader or entrepreneur out there, who has a goal but feels like; what if this goal doesn't work? Then you're at the right place.
How is your January going? How is your mindset? Are you already flaking-out, feeling distracted, or watching other people and comparing yourself to how much more hard work you should be doing. Perhaps, you've been listening to your voice of doubts instead of taming it. I don't personally believe the New Year's resolution malarkey and I don't encourage it. I do, however, believe that goals can be achieved if they are measured and planned correctly.
You got this
Let's not make it hard on yourself, what is your goal for the year? This year. I only have two goals - because it's easier for me to achieve. This way, I can actually look back, and say I have done them. Without beating myself up for it, my two major goals are; launch an Online Course successfully and become a fully fledged International Speaker. I know that this will allow me to;
“live a life that is only equal to myself”
For a long time, I had lived a life that was completely unequal to myself.
- Living in fear
- living in doubt
- living in the fear of intimidating others people
- Fear of being bigger or better than others
- Making myself so small that I would not even get notice
That is living a life unequal to yourself. So, I'm going to give you a few pointers to improve your goals and shut down the voice of doubt. If you have your goals list right now, lets begin..............
Goal Setting
Focus on having fewer goals:
this year. I would suggest starting from 1-2 goals because it's easy to measure and achieve them. Now, I have a lot of clients who always say to me: How do I improve my communication, how do I speak better in public, or how do I speak better English?
Spend 5 min building a daily habit:
Watch five minutes of videos in English a day. Just five. When you watch just five minutes of video or even do five minutes of physical exercise, you increase your stamina. This builds a regular habit. Then, it's not so much foreign, or hard work and it becomes easier and fun. When it's fun, you can do anything. By the time you finish, you will be so high on the five minutes that you will have to increase the amount of time you spend on it.
Here's the proof-Cue, Routine, Reward
Charles Duhigg, the author of the Power of habits, says;
“in order to measure and achieve your goals, you should use the steps; Cue, Routine, Reward ”
The Cue- a reason why you want to achieve this goal and how important it is? I cannot stress enough that this goal has to be personal and important. It has to be painful or it has to bring you some form of joy and happiness at the end of your journey.
Routine- routine, routine. The right routine is done on just a small dose, every day builds you up to where are you going.
Your Reward-
Well, that's my personal reward. At the end of my goals this year, I want to be able to travel, I want to live and work on my laptop. Having my business work for me and really be completely location independent, that will be my greatest reward.
So what about the voices of doubt! They are real my friend, they are actually here, in your head or sometimes they're from your friends or from people that love you but don't necessarily understand what you're doing. These voices will creep-up on you but one thing I always do when I want to work on my mindset; is to declare a new affirmation. Affirmations are new thoughts process that you are declaring out loud. For example; if you used to say to yourself:
"I'm no good at doing videos". That becomes =
“I am fantastic with videos, my videos are amazing!”
So declare your affirmation when you hear that voice;
“but Mathy what if it doesn’t work?”
That's when I want you to say; "but what if it does work? What if I do become an international speaker? What if my business makes more money than it made last year? What if it doubles? Triples? What if I improve my communication? A better connector? What if I become fully connected with the person I am, on the inside? Then what would you do?
That is all, if you're so serious about achieving your goals in 2018 why don't you leave me a comment and tell me; what is that voice is that telling you right now?
Now that we are friends again I would love to invite you to come and join me on the 5th of February to a seven days Facebook live. My aim this year, is to reconnect and help others Master their own story. I would love to get to know you more, so please join me on the 5th of February to seven days Facebook-live. If you've enjoyed this content, make sure you like, subscribe and share if you care.