When you haven´t achieved anything in 2017
If you are seeing this on Dec 31st, 2017, and you feel like you haven't accomplished or achieved anything, you still have time to change that. Or maybe you´ŕe reading this blog on the 3rd of Jan 2018, you can still overcome those feelings of defeat. So please keep reading ......
About a year ago I had this feeling that my life was meaningless. I was lost, confused, so many voices distracting me. I started feeling unnoticeable, my business was going nowhere and that I really wasn't making a difference in the world. I was literally drowning in this pool of;
- Loneliness
- Noisiness
- Clutter
- and Busyness
To make matters worse, social media was my biggest distraction, killing me slowly. Seeing friends who were moving on in life, getting married and having children. You know......buying a house and all. Was I invisible? I was overcome by panic and the internal voice screamed inside of me:
“ Oh my God! What have I achieved?”
That´s when it occurred to me, that actually, I didn't want to be in London or in big cities anymore. I felt burnt out overworked, heavy. It was just too much. The truth is, many people, at this part of the Year; feel this sense of panic and stressful tension. They believe they have failed.
What is left, when you feel
you´ve failed?
Nothing, no dignity, just another thought that everyone can see what is happening to you. I wanted to hide, I didn't want my family to see me, I didn't want people to see me, I wanted to run, I wanted to be as far as away as possible. This is exactly what I was feeling, absolute failure. I even moved countries. France to be precise, a temporary destination until I could figure it out. I knew that being in a new environment brings new opportunity and I desperately needed a fresh start altogether. In a different country, maybe I'll meet more people, maybe I´d meet the man of my dreams. Maybe my business will start flourishing again. I was hungry for change. My friends thought I was mad:
“You know so many people, you are so connected why would you want to leave?”
There was a place somewhere, out there........ a place I could, be the new person, do something completely new and refreshing.
Why you must close the
Eventually, I saw that what really needed was do close the door, close the door completely. I had finally physically moved out of London, yet my mind was still in that old apartment.
You may or may not have achieved everything you've actually wanted to achieve but that doesn´t make you a failure. Failures are great places to start. Especially, when you begin to review them. In all honest truth, 2017 was a better year. With a few awkward months, small glitches. But as I look back, I can truly see that something has changed inside of me, is moving in me and taking over.
“So this is why you must completely close the door. ”
Imagine moving out of an apartment to move into a new one,... The first thing you´d have to do when moving out would involve cleaning and declutter all things from the apartment allowing the new tenants to move in. Also locking the door and handing back the keys. Would you move into a new house which was not completely vacant, cleaned and decluttered? I know I wouldn´t.
Close the door and change
your inner story
In order to Close the door you´ĺl need to change your Inner story. This very moment will redefine a new internal thought pattern. This is actually huge and some serious nuggets of wisdom. I want you to;
- Change what you tell yourself
- Change how you see yourself
- Change what you say to yourself in the morning
- Change what you say to yourself at night
- Change how you decide to aim for things
- Change how you visualize your future
No new years resolution can help you. If you don't change what you say to yourself right now, you will never be the person that you want to be, you will never embrace your rightful calling in life. You will never achieve the things you seek to achieve. It's just not going to happen. Therefore when you change your inner story and master it, you are able to convey and reflect your one, true perfect and unique message. The one you want others to see on the inside of you.
“many times, when I have been at the wrong place, it was because I had been telling myself stories unequal to the person that I am. ”
I have often noticed that many times when I have been at the wrong place, it was because I had been telling myself stories unequal to the person that I am. I have been lying to myself about the things that I could and couldn't do. For many reasons, I thought they were not possible, not achievable. You know what...? It was all a lie.
What does it take?
Granting, you are ready to change your inner story this year, you´ll need to start detoxing those horrible thoughts that you´ve harbouring in 2017. This is not a piece of cake. ¨Connecting the Why¨ makes your story powerful. So remember these: Consistency, Persistence, and Loyalty are the ingredient for this sauce to reach optimum success.
For this reason, if you've told yourself ;
- ¨I want to build this business ¨ or
- ¨I want to finish this course
and all you've done is talk about it, I want you to make a completely new and different story. You may need pen and paper
- Write down that the repeated fault patterns that you keep telling yourself
- What it is that you're saying that is stopping you from doing?
- Start by developing a new affirmation a new story inside of you that will help you to change the outside
- Decided to be consistent, persistent, faithful, and loyal to your story. Your word is your bond, but so is your story.
If your Previous story was; ¨I can't see myself getting new clients¨ = Your new story will be; ¨I am worthy of these new clients, I am serving these new clients.
Here´s an example
Connecting ¨Your Why¨
makes your story powerful
It is possible that 2018 will be, and is better than 2017, so my friend if you're ready to close the door, I'm ready to close it with you. Leave me a little comment letting me know how you feel about the end of the year or the beginning of the year. If you've ever felt like a failure and what steps do you take to change it?
My name is Mathy and I'll see you again pretty soon